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The Young Powerful were at it again at the CBC

Staff Writer


.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .

The Young and Powerful Group is a grassroots organization that has the remnants from the Barack Obama election. The founding members and the collection of members were past volunteers and workers from the Obama campaign. The collective body of the organization is not just people of African American background but individuals from all backgrounds. The group raised over 200k to get Obama in the White House and took part grassroots organizing to help get the current President elected. The Young and Powerful Group is national organization still working for change till this day.

During the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation annual conference, the YPG came together once more to show their support for change. The host of the event was Sheila Stewart. Stewart is a well known Radio One news person. Others in attendance at the event were Congress woman Donna Edwards , Congress woman Judy May Chu, and Mike Winans. Streetroacpics.com was able to document this event at JIN with the photos below.

Mike Winans and his wife

Mike Winans and his wife ,Sheila Stewart

Congress woman Donna Edwards

Congress woman Judy May Chu