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Real World DC love birds walking in the street

Staff Writer


.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .

The cast of the Real World DC is nationally known now. Most of the details are all over the internet and , the show has been played out or talked about alot over the internet. All the fans of the Real World DC are waiting for the fill in the blank part. For example, Andrew and this random chic allegedly in the picture below. The Real World DC can give your the full details of this event. For now, all you have to do is guess. Andrew looked like he pull his hand away so the other babes would not see him with his main groupie babe. Was this random chic dump because this was found on twitter?

hh!! I'm sooo tense from 3 hours driving in zero-visibility fog with a heavy deer presence. Andrew pick up the damn phone! I need a laugh

hmmmm Did he pick up the phone?