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Did Murray plan Jacksons murder similar to Marilyn Monroe

Staff Writer


.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .

Just when you thought it was safe to bring your head from under the covers and goto church and pray to GOD, you find out that life is full of up and downs and cracks in the mirror.

You find out the most celebrated hero's are not as perfect as your think , but you love them any way. Yet, the biggest flaw to them all is betrayal to their spirit.

Dr. Murray is linked to Colony Capital Inc, owners of Neverland. Colony Capital Inc is represented by White & Case, connected to Judge Paul L. Friedman. Judge Friedman has access to the Marilyn Monroe script by David Louis Whitehead, in re: Whitehead v. CBS/Viacom, et al., 01cv1192, in the US District Court for the District of Columbia.

White & Case connected to Judge Friedman also represents Sony. Sony was in dispute with Michael Jackson over the Beatles Catalog.

The Marilyn Monroe script has Ms. Monroe's death scene, strikingly similar to Michael Jackson's death. Mr. Whitehead had no knowledge of this until recently, 30 days ago, in early September 2011.

In 2008, Colony sent David Whitehead an email on possibilities of him working with Michael Jackson.

In 2008, a high profile United States Congressional person on the judiciary committee has jurisdiction over Judge Friedman, knew about matters between David Whitehead, White & Case and Judge Friedman, invited Michael Jackson to their office. Moreover, this high profile US congressional person knows Murray.

David Whitehead attempted to file his amicus curiae pleadings in the case "People v. Conrad R. Murray", however, the Judge refused to allow the pleadings into the record.

There is more to the story, involving a first degree murder case in the death of Michael Joseph Jackson.

It appears that someone changed Michael Jackson's dance choregraphy in the song "They Don't Care About US" for the "This is It" concert to match Germany's Hitler's troop march.

Marilyn Monroe is being celebrated throughout the US, even with a huge stature of her in Chicago, shown on Monday Night Football during the NFL Game "Chicago vs. Minnesota".