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Michaele Salahi must have a hell of snapper cause Tareq still geeking

Staff Writer


.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .

Tareq Salahi is going around throwing his future ex wife under the bus. Tareq is "kiring out" over Michaele Salahi. Mr Salahi calims Michaele is a lie and , he only loved his wife.

In a recent article in the Huffington Post, Mr Salahi made the following statement about Miss Salahi.

"Michaele is a well-known and documented liar from 'The Real Housewives of D.C.' to our personal life with her other false statements such as being a Redskins cheerleader, Victoria's Secret model, college graduate, her M.S. ... Everything was a lie in our marriage," Tareq explained. "Michaele abandoned her home, committed adultery and lied to all her friends. Michaele lied about her real home [when] filming the 'Real Housewives.' Michaele lied to her husband about attending college. Michaele lied to her own friends, family and cast about an eating disorder. Michaele lied to the public about loving our dog Rio. In short, nearly everything told me was an apparent lie."

People are beginning to think Miss Salahi has a hell of snapper and a golden money maker because she upgrade herself to bigger money and left the broke money behind crying.