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Newt Gingrich wants to save Black folk in America

Staff Writer


.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .

Are most republican minds filled with false information. Another Republican candidate for President of the United States has made statements about African Americans and welfare.

The blanket statement made by Gingrich implies that most people receiving welfare are Black or of African descent. The truth about welfare recipients is that most are White.

Gingrich made the following statement according to thegrio.com.

Other comments by Gingrich with reference to people of African American descent

Gingrich has repeatedly referred to President Barack Obama as a "food stamp president", and has said he'd tackle black teen unemployment by easing child labor laws so that poor kids can work as janitors in their schools, replacing union workers.

He has also said that children in poor neighborhoods have no role models for work, and no concept of getting paid, unless it's for something illegal. He has proposed turning school children from poor neighborhoods into apprentice school janitors, replacing union workers.